A lot of what healthy living is really about is forming good, solid habits that will be conducive to an overall healthy lifestyle. Whether that means daily exercise, or taking your vitamins or simply getting up early in the morning with enough time time to make a healthy breakfast for yourself. What can get in the way of such healthy habits? Well, the interesting answer to that question is, in fact, yourself. You see, we have a tendency and a propensity for bad habits. And did you know that once you have formed such bad habits that they cannot be erased from the brain? That’s what research has shown us. Habits are imprinted on the brain. So what can one do to undo such bad habits if they are imprinted. This is an interesting question with an even more interesting answer. What you can do is actually hack your bad habits with good habits. You see, habits are typically entrenched within a routine. If you can isolate that routine and see areas in it in which you can insert a good habit, you can hack that bad routine and make it better. Take a look at today’s article and see exactly how this can be done.
Read the full article here: Hack your brain