There are many different ways to get into a habit. When I mean a habit, I mean a good kind of habit such as working out everyday or eating healthier. Some of the methods for getting into a habit can be long and complicated or they can be simple like the one mentioned in today’s in article. Today’s article suggests that if you want to get into a habit then you should make a story for yourself. What does making a story for yourself mean exactly?
Making a story for yourself is much like psyching yourself out. Tell yourself how good working out is for you and how positive it is and you will more likely get into that habit. There are only two steps to creating a good habit for yourself. The first is to ask yourself how you feel about the habit. Simply find out what you think of the habit and based of that you can adjust your story. The second thing to do is focus on the things you love about the habit.
Find out what appeals to you and build on that instead of the negatives. For more details about building habits, click on the link down below.
Read the full article here: