It’s almost a sin to utter this word in some circles, but if you’re serious about losing weight you really can’t avoid it; exercise. But it’s not all bad news. After I briefly explain why exercise is so crucial, I will give you a few ideas of losing weight when limited for time.
What role does exercise have on the body? Well, it’s not just an essential tool in weight management via an increase in daily calorie burn. Exercise can reduce your risk of a variety of conditions, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes. It also increases energy levels.
According to the NHS, for an adult aged between 19 and 64 you should be doing: 150 minutes moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as cycling) and 2 sets of muscle strengthening exercises (weights) or 75 minutes vigorous intensity aerobic activity (such as running) and 2 sets of muscle strengthening activities (weights) or a mixture of different intensity aerobic activities and 2 sets of muscle strengthening activities (weights).
But the problem is, do you have time to do this? Well if you do excellent. Get out for a run, cycle, walk, or train inside, whatever. Any exercise you do will help you lose weight. Just search online for how many calories you burn doing your activity, log it into an app on your phone, and then remember to eat a maximum of 500 calories less per day than your calorie burn added to your BMR (you can find your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) online). If you don’t have time, don’t despair, even a few minutes a day is better than nothing.
Exercises from home that burn calories – remember to warm-up before
- Squat Jumps – Squat down & explosively jump upwards (2 sets of 20)
- Star Jumps – Jump up opening out your arms & legs (2 sets of 20)
- Lunges – Take a step forward with one leg bending both knees (2 sets of 20)
- Burpees – Stand up straight, then drop to crouch, then kick legs out into a press up position, and then get back into squat, and explosively jump (2 sets of 20)
What if you don’t even have 10 minutes? Well, you can make subtle changes to your day that will increase calorie burn. Get up for at least 15 minutes every hour, even if this is just standing at your desk at work. Got children? Play with them! Take the stairs instead of the lift. Do some cleaning while you watch television. Even cooking a proper meal, standing up, will increase calorie burn and make your food taste even better! To be honest, and you might be thinking this, its common sense!
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