It`s quite difficult for most people to accept that they have fungus inhabiting in their intestines that produces 180-chemical toxins. These toxins can make one feel fatigued and dizzy, shutting down their thyroid, throwing their hormones off balance and make one thirst for sugar and alcohol all of which result in weight gain. This fungus mostly affects women and its growth is greatly accelerated by antibiotics. Candidiasis which is the scientific term for yeast growth isn’t something new, and it has always been in our bodies. Candida is among the 400-organisms living in our mouth, vagina, digestive tract and on our skin.
Weight gain or inability to lose is among the many symptoms of systematic Candida. It causes kind of persistent fat deposits which are hard to lose regardless of how much you exercise or how little you eat. It is important to know that there is no diet that is going to help you out of this condition. However, identifying and treating the cause of candida overgrowth is the ultimate solution. Candida can lead to weight gain through fat deposition in different ways.
Candida Toxins
It is important to note that candida cells are always reproducing and dying. That is their natural life cycle and doesn’t only happen when you are on treatment. Regarding this, there is a constant release of dead candida cells into the blood stream. These cells poison the blood, and it`s the liver`s responsibility to eliminate toxins from your blood. When they are so many, it has to store them somewhere mostly in fat cells for later processing. In most cases, these fats are deposited around the thighs, hips and belly and lead to weight gain.
Sugar Longing
Yeast requires sugar to grow and reproduce. Patients who suffer from candida infestation desire more sugar and carbs despite how much they have taken them. The candida yeast processes large quantities of sugar and lowers the blood sugar levels. To counter that deficit, you will have to eat more sugar, and this eventually leads to weight gain due to overeating.
This is a symptom suffered by most Candida patients. Candida cells release about 79-different toxins. These include a particular neurotoxin known as Acetaldehyde and is capable of causing fatigue, depression and brain fog. These make these patients feel worn-out thus cannot get the right exercise they require to keep their body shape and maintain their health.
Stress on the Immune System
The poisonous candida byproducts to some extents interferes with the immune system. It increases stress on the adrenal gland that enhances cortisol levels. This is an emergency reaction, and it provokes the body to store every piece of fat available.
Yeast overgrowth is not easy to do away with, and it requires a multi-prolonged approach to cure. These include proper diet, probiotics and use of antifungal supplements. In most cases, application of probiotics commonly known as good bacteria is an effective way of treating this condition. The best available probiotics in the market are Acidophilus and Bifidus. These products are available as capsules, and each guarantees the elimination of two to ten billion organisms.
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