Cayenne peppers are a popular spice used in many different regional styles of cooking, and they have been used medicinally for thousands of years. These peppers boast an impressive nutrition profile, which includes a variety of antioxidants that are beneficial for your health. Capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne pepper, is what gives them their medicinal properties. How it does this is not completely understood, but one study showed that it reduces the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin
Key Takeaways:
- Those lemon-cayenne-maple-syrup drinks may have made cayenne (in)famous, but it’s been a popular wellness ingredient pretty much forever.
- Some people swear that cayenne can do pretty much everything short of reviving the dead.
- How significantly cayenne can boost your metabolism—and how much cayenne you need to make it happen—though, isn’t quite clear.
“According to Healthline, cayenne pepper boosts flavor and nutrition and can have health benefits beyond food. Capsaicin is the compound that gives cayenne both its spiciness and medicinal properties. The more capsaicin, the spicier the pepper is, and the more it can potentially help your health.”
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