Whether you want to lose weight, increase your muscle mass or just increase your overall quality of life, you’ll have to find a way to manage the stress you feel in a day-to-day basis. You can hit the gym five nights a week, but you won’t get the weight loss results you want if your body is suffused with stress hormones. In addition to revving up your endocrine system, the stress hormone cortisol also has the effect of binding together clumps of fat that will increase your blood pressure and throw your body mass index out of whack.
This article covers a number of different ways you can lower your stress levels and consequently, the amount of cortisol in your body. One of the first on the list is to get more fresh air. Instead of getting all your cardiovascular exercise in on an elliptical machine, take a run around your neighborhood every other day. Not only will you get many lungful’s of fresh air, you’ll also get a plentiful helping of vitamin D from the sun. A number of studies have found that vitamin D deficiency can negatively impact how we process stress. Click the link below to learn other ways you can manage stress and improve your health.
Read the full article here: Healthy Living: Conquer stress in 11 simple steps