Monounsaturated fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. Although they are consumed by almost everyone, they are rarely discussed. They are better for you than some other types of fat because they are stable and will resist oxidation damage. They also make mitochondria healthier, and mitochondria are important for many different processes. They naturally occur in healthy foods, and they have a number of important health benefits.
Key Takeaways:
- When we talk about “oxidized fatty acids,” we’re talking about oxidation of the carbon atoms that lie between double bonds.
- by choosing foods high in monounsaturated fat, in a roundabout way you’ll be choosing foods high in many important nutrients.
- Research has established the pivotal role of oleic acid in immune function: it improves wound healing, increases the elimination of pathogens, and is associated with protection against autoimmune diseases.
“Oleic acid, the primary MUFA, isn’t magic. It’s not a “superfood.” It’s the work horse of the fatty acids. It’s the foundation. It’s the one constant amidst all healthy diets.”