Hepatitis can affect many aspects of your life, and diet is one that is less discussed. While people praise B vitamins as essential vitamins for daily life, people with hepatitis need less B vitamins. With a compromised liver, too much B vitamins can create serious health issues. Energy drinks often contain a lot of B vitamins to give off the impression of healthiness. For people with hepatitis, drinking too many energy drinks can seriously risk their overall health.
Key Takeaways:
- He already had an underlying liver problem, which doctors think increased the risk from his four or five drinks per day.
- The patient originally thought he had flu, but sought medical advice when he developed other symptoms including dark-coloured urine and jaundice.
- Writing in BMJ Case Reports, the medical team from the University of Florida College say the man did already have chronic hepatitis C – a liver condition – but these symptoms developed separately.
“the medical team from the University of Florida College say the man did already have chronic hepatitis C – a liver condition – but these symptoms developed separately.”