Diabetes is affecting more and more people as time goes on. In order to stop it from spreading, we need to be educated in diabetes and know how to prevent as well as treat diabetes. In today’s article, is about information on diabetes and the risks it causes. Take a look below. Read the … [Read more...]
Replacing Toothbrushes
Brushing your teeth is extremely important and is a must, but after using the same toothbrush we need to replace our toothbrush. Something not everyone knows, is when to actually replace your toothbrush. Thanks to CNN, we now have a definite answer as to when to replace your toothbrush as … [Read more...]
Can Artificial Sweeteners Affect Your Blood Sugar?
Recently, artificial sweeteners have been the substitute for real sugar due to less calories, but there are quite a few things that artificial sweetener can do to your body. One of those being, whether it can affect blood sugar and insulin. Take a look at the article below to find … [Read more...]
Benefits of Magnesium
There are many nutrients your body needs, one of them being magnesium. Magnesium is great for energy creation, protein formation, gene maintainence, and many other benefits for your body. For more information, take a look at the article below. Read the full article here: 10 … [Read more...]
Make Your Broth Taste Better
Beef bone broth is a great source of nutrients and is very good for your health. All though it is good for your health, it can be kind of lacking in flavor. In the article linked below are a few recipes on how to make your bone broth taste a little better without taking away the benefits. … [Read more...]
Dress to Look Skinnier
A lot of people want to look skinny. According to the article below, the way you dress can actually help make you look skinny. Simply changing the colors of the clothes you wear can help make you look skinnier. Take a look at the article below to find out how. Read the full article … [Read more...]
Breakfast Cakes
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but sometimes we are just in too much of a rush that we skip breakfast altogether. Food Network has your back, they have a recipe that you can use for a healthy breakfast cake that only takes 4 minutes! Take a look at the article below to … [Read more...]
Strength Training vs Cardio
There are many debates as to whether strength training is better for fat loss or if cardio is better. Thanks to Huffington Post, we now have an answer as to whether strength training is better or cardio is better. Take a look at the article below to find out. Read the full article here: … [Read more...]
Reduce Stress with Food
Stress is not a good thing at all. It affects our health in a very negative way, but there are many ways to fight stress. One of those ways being good, healthy, delicious food. In the article below, are a few recipes you can try at home to help reduce stress. Read the full article here: … [Read more...]
Coffee and Health Benefits?
Coffee is a beverage that keeps us going in the morning as well as just a casual drink, but can coffee be also beneficial to your health? Take a look at the article below to find out if coffee can really be beneficial to your health. Read the full article here: Is Coffee A Health Food? … [Read more...]
How to Reduce Chance of Breast Cancer
Cancer is a very dangerous and terrible sickness and many women have a chance to have breast cancer. According to the article below, omega-3 fatty acids can help lower the chance of breast cancer in obese women. Take a look at the article below to find out how. Read the full article … [Read more...]
Diabetes and Your Diet
Diabetes is very big problem in recent times. One of the ways we can fight diabetes is actually changing the way we eat. According to the article below, eating plant-based foods can help with diabetes and prediabetes. Take a look at the article below to find out how. Read the full … [Read more...]
How Being Mindful Affects Your Health
According to recent studies being a mindful person can help with your blood sugar levels. Mindful people are more likely to be less obese and be able to change certain things in their life which can help improve your health. Take a look at the article below to see how being mindful can … [Read more...]
Food to Help Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation is not a good thing for your body. Inflammation can lead to weight gain, stress, and disease. Thankfully, there are a few foods we can eat to help lower inflammation to keep ourselves healthy. Take a look at the article below to find out what foods to eat. Read the full … [Read more...]
Don’t forget to eat your sprouts
Remember how your mom would tell you to eat your brussel sprouts? Well, it would be best to listen to her. There are tons of health benefits that brussel sprouts can give you and it would be great to incorporate them into your diet. Read the full article here: Brussel Sprouts … [Read more...]
Is sparkling water safe?
Water is the best thing for you to drink, but can we replace sparkling water for it? Some people say no and that sparkling water can actually harm you. In today’s article we have three myths that have been debunked by Lifehacker. Take a look. Read the full article here: Three Myths … [Read more...]
Here’s a great way to enjoy those french fries again
We all know that french fries are one of the greatest foods out there. We also know that it’s one of the worst foods for you as well, but thanks to Food Network, we can now enjoy french fries and not feel guilty. Take a look at their recipe. Read the full article here: Baked Vegetable … [Read more...]
Is that diet driving you nuts?
Sometimes when we go on a diet we can become kind of crazy. It isn’t the best thing either because we can become grumpy towards other people as well, but fear not. For The Huffington Post comes with an article on how to not go crazy while on a diet. Take a look! Read the full article … [Read more...]
Don’t be left with regret
LIving a happy life is what people want. It is simply a fact. In today’s article from Greatist, comes the five biggest regrets people have in life. Ranging from living true to themselves to staying in touch with friends. Take a look at the article below. Read the full article here: The … [Read more...]
What about that pain in the neck?
Neck pains can be a real problem and the kind of treatment available can be tough to choose from. Between a session of acupuncture or simply taking medication, it can be hard to decide which one will work best. Here to help is DrWeil.com, with an article on both types of treatment. Take a … [Read more...]
Learn how diet can impact diabetes
There are people out there who suffer from diabetes and it can be a problem, but according to Contra Costa Times, changing your diet to vegan can help with diabetes. Going on a vegan diet can actually help lower your blood sugar levels. Take a look at the article below to find out how … [Read more...]
Take a closer look at that color
Staying hydrated throughout the day can be kind of hard with all the things going on in life. In today’s article from CNN, they have a list of foods that have a high percentage of water in them to help you stay hydrated throughout the day. Read the full article here: The pee color … [Read more...]
The benefits of barley
There are lots of different foods out there that are great for your health. Today, let’s talk about barley and what it can do for you. Having barley in your diet can help you with your blood sugar and your hunger. Sounds great right? Take a look at the article below to find … [Read more...]
Does timing really matter?
There are many tips and tricks to dieting, one of them being timing. Timing, as in the time at which you eat and whether or not that affects the amount of nutrients you absorb. Take a look at the article to find out whether this is true or not. Read the full article here: Does Nutrient … [Read more...]
Can Diabetics Safely Consume Fruit?
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or if your blood sugar level is high enough to qualify as pre-diabetic, you may wonder you can still enjoy eating delicious fruits like apples, strawberries and bananas. This heavily researched article explains exactly how fruit and other foods made … [Read more...]
The Importance of Running Safely
Running is an excellent way to burn calories, build up muscle and increase bone density. However, running with improper form is an easy way to sustain muscle strains and skeletal fractures. Give this New York Times article a read in order to learn how to make running a safe and productive … [Read more...]
The Many Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Everybody knows that sweet potatoes are a delicious source of dietary fiber, but did you also know that they are an excellent source of beta-carotene and vitamin A? The tuberous root vegetable is also rich in antioxidant nutrients, serves as an excellent natural anti-inflammatory and its … [Read more...]
Myth Busting the Nootropics Trend
There’s been a lot of hype in the media recently about the supposedly effectiveness of various nootropics, but not a lot of clarity or hard facts. Thankfully, this blog post takes a detailed look at the supposedly brain enhancing abilities of everything from name brand smart drinks to … [Read more...]
Australian Researchers Find Low-Carb Diet Can Reduce Impact of Diabetes
A recently completed Australian study has found that by adopting a certain diet, people living with diabetes can greatly reduce the impact the disease has on their quality of life. Researchers found that by sticking to a low-carb, high-protein diet, diabetes patients can safely reduce … [Read more...]
How You Cook Certain Foods Can Greatly Alter Their Nutritional Value
Did you know that the way in which you cook certain foods can greatly alter their nutritional value? As this blog post explains, doing something as innocuous as boiling broccoli, lettuce and spinach in water can have the effect of reducing their vitamin C content by as much as 50 … [Read more...]
The One Type Of Bread That Can Help You Lose Weight
While the excess consumption of carbohydrate heavy foods like bread can serve as a gateway to obesity, a recent study has found that making barley-based bread a staple of your diet can actually help you lose weight. In addition to temporarily boosting a person’s metabolism, barley also has … [Read more...]
Using Yoga to Beat the Midday Energy Lull
If you typically treat the natural midday energy lull by drinking sugar-packed sodas and eating calorie loaded junk food, this article may prove useful. It it details five easy to strike yoga poses you can use to give yourself a midday burst of energy while also suppressing your cravings … [Read more...]
Study Finds Link between Teenage Sleep Loss, Increased Diabetes Risk Factor
It’s long been established that inconsistent sleep can negatively impact the cognitive functioning of teenagers, a new study found that it can have a detrimental effect on a young person’s physical health as well. Researchers at Penn State found that sleep loss can increase teen boys risk … [Read more...]
Study Finds Aged Garlic Extract Can Reduce Arterial Plaque Buildup
A recently published study conducted by Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center found that taking an aged garlic extract supplement can greatly lower a person’s risk factor for developing heart disease. Apparently, the garlic extract has the effect of … [Read more...]
Study Finds Teen Males with Low Stress Tolerance Have High Risk Factor for Hypertension
A recently published survey found that teenage boys who have a low stress tolerance have a higher than average risk factor for developing hypertension later in life. With this new information in mind, parents should be extra careful that their children are not being subjected to an … [Read more...]
An All-Natural Treatment for Chronic Neck Pain
If you struggle with chronic neck pain, there’s a non-medicinal solution that may provide you with a greater level of relief. A recent study conducted in the United Kingdom found that the Alexander technique and acupuncture prove to be a more effective treatment for chronic neck pain than … [Read more...]
The Best Way to Fight Stress
While there are several different methods of reducing stress, none have been proven to be as effective as healthy living. As this Orlean Times Herald article points out, the best way to cope with the mental and physical effects of stress is to work out regularly, eat right, avoid drugs and … [Read more...]
What Kind of Yogurt Is Best for You?
As a probiotic and a rich source of calcium and protein, yogurt is a food that is healthy, filling and incredibly tasty. However, before stocking up, it’s a good idea to understand the nutritional differences between the various kinds of yogurt that are on sale in the US. Thankfully, this … [Read more...]
How to Overcome Your Procrastination Habit and the Stress That Comes with It
If you struggle with procrastination, and the stress that comes with procrastination, this article might prove to be very useful. It outlines a number of different ways you can rid yourself of your procrastination habit, like working in short bursts of intense productivity and all the … [Read more...]
Why It’s Important to Increase Your Intake of Vitamin D during the Winter
If you’ve heard some vague talk in the media recently about the importance of consuming vitamin D in the winter, this article does a good job of elaborating on the subject. Essentially, we don’t get the same amount of exposure to vitamin D rich sunlight I the winter that we do in the rest … [Read more...]
Is Your Job One of the Most Stressful in the Country?
Is your job one of the 18 that Career Trends has deemed the most stressful? If it is, you’ll definitely want to make sure that you’re getting enough rest, water, relaxation and nutritious foods to balance out the significant amount of strain all that work stress is putting up on your … [Read more...]
Eating Slowly Can Help You Lose Weight
Did you know that the rate at which you eat can have as big an impact on your waistline is what you eat? As this eye-opening Authority Nutrition post explains, people who consume meals quickly also tend to eat more than those who do not and it gives your body time to produce satiety … [Read more...]
Tips and Tricks for Managing Your Work Stress
Whether you’re trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, you need to find a way to effectively manage your stress level if you want to achieve either fitness goal. On that note, this article offers six different ways you can minimize the impact work stress has on your life. Read the … [Read more...]
Tips on Beating College Stress
Because of the immense pressure to succeed academically and socially, college can be a very stressful place. However as noted in this blog post, by doing simple things such as sharing your anxieties and a support group or taking 15 minute walks every day, students can keep stress from … [Read more...]
If You’re Going Vegetarian, Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Vitamin B 12
If you’re considering adopting a vegetarian diet for health reasons, you might want to start taking a vitamin B12 supplement. The reason being, almost all of the most plentiful sources of vitamin B12 come from animal foods, so without the use of a supplement it’s very easy for a vegetarian … [Read more...]
Now Accepting BitCoin As Form Of Payment
Bitcoin is a relatively new form of currency, that is just beginning to 'hit' the mainstream, is completely global and subject to few laws and restrictions from central or other banking institutions. More specifically it's a new form of payment that enables you to send money to another person. The … [Read more...]
6 Workout Motivation Tips and Tricks
One of the most difficult aspects of sticking to a workout regimen is finding the motivation to exercise on a daily basis. If you’re finding it hard to find the will to hit the gym, give this post a read It lists six different tips and tricks you can use to keep yourself focused … [Read more...]
Study Finds That Holding Your Cell Phone a Certain Way Can Be Stressful
A researcher from Purdue University recently conducted a study on stress and discovered that holding a smartphone in a certain position can cause a person to become stressed out. Apparently, holding a phone in close proximity to your head can cause the body to greatly up the production of … [Read more...]
An All-Natural Sore Throat Remedy
If you often find yourself dealing with sore throats in winter months, you may want to stock up on zinc and probiotic K12. The zinc will relieve the pain by reducing inflammation and the probiotic K 12 have the effect of killing the streptococcus bacteria that are commonly the cause of a … [Read more...]
Stress Fighting Tips from ‘the World’s Happiest Man’
After the completion of a 12 year stress study, researchers found that Tibetan Buddhist monk Matthieu Richard is “the world’s happiest man.” So what is the secret to happiness according to Mr. Richard? Regular meditation and making an effort to not be concerned about the aspects of life … [Read more...]
Bananas: Healthier Than You Might Think
Did you know that in addition to being an excellent source of potassium, bananas are also high in fiber and vitamin B6? Or that they contain a carbohydrate which is effective at balancing blood sugar? Follow the link below to learn more about why bananas are healthier than you might … [Read more...]
How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Save Your Life
Chronic stress can have a negative effect on everything from your ability to lose weight to your risk factor for contracting cancer later in life. As such, making lifestyle choices that play an active role in fighting stress, such as exercising regularly and eating right, are not just a … [Read more...]
A Five-Point Plan on How to Lead a Healthier Lifestyle
Moving from an inactive lifestyle and poor diet to one that revolves around physical activity and a nutritious diet isn’t easy. However, if you use the five-point strategy outlined in this Mayo Clinic article, you may find that your fitness goals are not as impossible to achieve as you … [Read more...]
How to Treat Chronic Pain All Naturally
A new study found that chronic pain sufferers have a high risk factor for abusing over-the-counter pain relievers. As such, it’s a good idea to consider using alternative pain relief methods such as practicing yoga, getting a massage session or taking all-natural pain relievers such as … [Read more...]
How to Take the Pain Out Of Your Daily Workout
Do you find yourself feeling painfully sore and stiff after working out? Instead of reaching for an over-the-counter pain reliever that might have some unpleasant side effects, consider getting a post workout massage. As this article notes, a quick massage session can not only soothe your … [Read more...]
How Stress Can Save Your Life
While we tend to think of stress in entirely negative terms, the truth is it plays a very important role in our lives, such as when it gives us the enhanced response time to get out of a potentially life-threatening situation. As this Huffington Post article explains, the goal shouldn’t be … [Read more...]
How to Make Your Job Less Stressful and Five Easy Steps
If the most stressful part of your life is your job, this article is a must read. It covers five different ways you can take the anxiety out of your profession. For instance, if you abandon the notion that a person can effectively multitask, you’ll get a lot more done by completing all of … [Read more...]
Study Finds Link Link between Vitamin D, Increased Exercise Capacity
A recently published study originating from Germany found that individuals with more vitamin D in their blood were able to exercise longer and with more power than those who did not. Researchers also found that by giving their subjects a small vitamin D supplement, their subjects … [Read more...]
All Natural Stress Solutions
For millions of Americans, the preferred method of stress relief is indulging in a few doughnuts or a couple of drinks at the local bar. However, consuming fat-filled snacks and alcohol will only serve to make you more stressed out. Doing things like exercising 30 minutes a day or … [Read more...]
Omega-3 Fatty Acid and B Vitamins Can Prevent against Mental Deterioration, Find Study
A recent study conducted by researchers from England, Norway and South Africa found that a combination of omega-3 fatty acid and B vitamin supplements can be effective at slowing neurological deterioration in older adults. With those results, researchers are now planning to find out if … [Read more...]
Lowering Your Stress Level in Three Easy Steps
If you’ve been feeling mentally and physically drained from stress, you may be able to improve your condition by doing something as simple as meditating three times a day. As this blog post describes, spending less than 20 minutes a day centering your mind and body will have a major impact … [Read more...]
Are You Vitamin B6 Deficient?
Vitamin B6 plays an essential role in the production of red blood cells and metabolic function, but if your diet doesn’t include much meat, you run the risk of becoming nutrient deficient. Check out this article to find out if your daily intake includes vitamin B6 foods and if it doesn’t, … [Read more...]
A Guide to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
If you made a New Year’s resolution to get fit in 2016, but you’re finding that the winter weather makes regular exercise a daunting prospect, this article may prove helpful. It lists a number of ways you can exercise regularly, manage your stress level and keep your appetite under control … [Read more...]
How to Cut Carbs without Losing Nutrients
Reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your daily intake is a great way to lose weight, balance blood sugar and lower blood pressure. However, when making such an adjustment to your diet, you also want to make sure that you don’t become deficient in any essential nutrients. This post … [Read more...]
Better Living Through The Stimulation of Power Pressure Points
The next time you feel a bit lethargic, instead of grabbing a sugar-packed soda or energy drink, try gently applying pressure to the base of your skull. Stimulating that particular pressure point has been used as a way to get an energy boost for centuries. Follow the link below to learn … [Read more...]
How to Manage Your Stress Related Food Cravings
One of the most pernicious aspects of stress is how it revs up your appetite. However, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can satiate your stress related cravings without expanding your waistline. The key is to make sure your snacks are low in calories, but n high … [Read more...]
Can Spinach Extract Help You Lose Weight?
There’s a lot of talk in the news about the rise of various weight lost supplements, but little in the way of hard facts. This article, which includes information taken from a variety of studies, examines how spinach extract can be used to curb food cravings, delay fat digestion and … [Read more...]
How to Make Chicken Soup Healthier
For millions of people, chicken soup is a go to comfort Food. However, many store-bought soups simply have too much sodium andd carbohydrates for to be recommended as a dietary staple. Thankfully, this Food Network post offers a number of modifications you could make to that classic dish … [Read more...]
How You Can Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get healthy in 2016, this renegade health post has a number of helpful tips on how you can attain your fitness goals. For instance, whether you’re interested in shredding a few pounds run your midsection or developing a sixpack, you won’t be … [Read more...]
Vitamins That Fight the Visible Signs of Aging
While there is no miracle drug that can reverse the aging process, there are a few vitamins you can take to reduce the visible signs of aging. Check out the article below to learn how taking certain essential nutrient supplements, like skin damage resisting vitamin D, can help you maintain … [Read more...]
A Guide to Fighting Work Stress
Is work-related stress having a negative impact on your overall mental and physical well-being? This Rolling Out piece offers a few smart suggestions, such as abandoning the concept of multitasking in order to dedicate more attention to each individual task, on how you can get a handle on … [Read more...]
How to Prevent Vitamin Deficiency
While most of us do get the majority of vitamins and minerals we need through the food we eat, it is incredibly easy to become vitamin deficient. As noted in this Las Cruces Sun-News article, adults who cut carbs out of their diet should include a vitamin B supplement into their daily … [Read more...]
Sleep Deprived Teens Are More Vulnerable to the Effects of Stress, Find Study
A study found that teenagers who don’t get enough sleep have a high risk factor for contracting certain illnesses because without proper rest, their bodies cannot adequately process stress. For parents, the best thing to do is make sure their teens are getting between 9 and 10 hours of … [Read more...]
Vitamins That Will Give Your Immune System a Boost
As cold and flu season are now in full effect, it’s a good idea to know which vitamins and minerals can help optimize your immune system. This Cleveland Clinic blog post discusses how consuming certain essential nutrients, in food or supplement form, can keep your immune system strong … [Read more...]
Feeling Anxious? Try Some Ashwagandha
If aspects of your personal and professional lives are caused you to feel increasingly anxious, consider trying an all-natural remedy before talking to your doctor about prescribing prescription antianxiety medication. You might find that taking some Ashwagandha herb will quell your … [Read more...]
University of Florida Researchers Find Link between Stress and Weight Loss
A study coming out of the University of Florida found that people who deal with chronic stress have a hard time losing weight because they have a higher than normal concentration of the protein betatrophin, which makes it harder for the body to metabolize fat. The best treatment? Engaging … [Read more...]
“Health” Snacks to Avoid When Dieting
The idea behind healthy snacks is that they will help you control your hunger without expanding your waistline. However, there are several supposedly nutritious snacks that will only serve to make you hungrier while adding heaps of empty calories into your system. Notably, hundred calorie … [Read more...]
A Caffeine Free Way to Perk up Your Afternoon
If work stress is making you feel so worn down that you’re ready to call it a day at 2:30, you might want to try the relaxation technique outlined in this blog post. With a few simple stretches and breathing exercises, you can give yourself a pick me up that doesn’t involve any artificial … [Read more...]
Vitamins C and E Lower Inflammation in Diabetics, Find Study
A recently published study has provided yet another reason it’s a good idea to make sure you have the appropriate amounts of vitamin C and E in your daily intake. Researchers from Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences found that those particular nutrients have the effect of … [Read more...]
Is Your New Diet Leaving You Vitamin Deficient?
If you’re determined to keep your New Year’s resolution to stick to a healthy diet, you should give this article once over to make sure you’re not unintentionally undermining your efforts. As an example, if you’ve decided to cut one bugler food group out of your diet, you should make sure … [Read more...]
Eight Tips on How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution to De-Stress
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to de-stress your life, this WTNH article has a number of useful suggestions on how you can do just that. As an example, if you cut your binge watching time in half to go on more nature walks, you’ll soon find yourself feeling more relaxed and … [Read more...]
Using Essential Nutrient Supplements to Ease Joint Pain
If you struggle with joint pain, give this article a read before reaching for that bottle of over-the-counter pain reliever. Adding ascorbic acid and niacin supplements to your diet can increase your flexibility, protect your ligaments from future damage and reduce the inflammation that … [Read more...]
Sleep Is the Key to Stress Management
If your efforts to keep your stress level under control have proven fruitless, you might consider getting more sleep. As this Huffington Post article makes clear, without eight hours of regular, uninterrupted sleep a night, your mind and body will not be able to appropriately cope with the … [Read more...]
10 Ways You Can Burn off Belly Fat
Although reducing the amount of fat surrounding your abdomen can greatly reduce your risk factor for contracting illnesses such as hypertension and type II diabetes, it can be especially difficult to lose weight from that particular part of the body. This blog post features a number of … [Read more...]
Reduce Your Work Stress by Checking Your Email Less
Want to reduce your work stress and get control of your email inbox? Disconnect your work email from your phone. A recent study found that by doing so, test subjects were much less stressed out and were better able to manage the demands of their inbox without receiving constant push … [Read more...]
Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get fit, you should read this article about the therapeutic benefits of massage. For instance, if your first workout after the holiday break left you painfully sore, a massage can loosen up your tense muscles and fascia. And stick to your new … [Read more...]
Five Excellent Stress Management Techniques
The unfortunate reality is, stress is an unavoidable part of life. The best we can hope to do is manager our anxiety levels using stress management techniques, a number of which are outlined in this blog post. One useful trick for combating work stress is to take a few minutes out of your … [Read more...]
The Truth about Matcha Green Tea
There’s been a lot of talk in the media recently about the supposedly incredible health benefits of Matcha green tea. This Authority Nutrition post outlines those qualities, namely its high concentration of antioxidants and caffeine as well as its fat burning properties, and gives an … [Read more...]
Study Uncovers New Health Benefit from Eating Almonds
A new study recently published by the University of Florida has found yet another reason to add almonds to your diet. Researchers found that the daily consumption of a small amount of almonds, roughly 1.5 ounces for adults, can increase a person’s consumption of essential nutrients such as … [Read more...]
The Importance of Finding the Proper Dietary Balance
When adopting a new weight loss plan that places restrictions on your dietary intake, it’s important that you don’t restrict your intake of essential vitamins and minerals as well. As this Times of India piece notes, if you decide to remove bread from your diet, add in some broccoli and … [Read more...]
Feed a Fever, Starve a Cold?
As cold and flu season is now in full effect, most people will be searching for ways to shorten the length and severity of their illness. This renegade health post outlines an innovative strategy for treating a viral illness; get lots of rest and don’t eat anything for at least 36 hours. … [Read more...]
How Meditation Can Make You a Better, Less Stressed Worker
Skyrocketing stress levels in the United Kingdom have prompted British companies to use innovative, non-medicinal methods to lower their employee stress levels. So far, a number of leading companies have found that regular mindfulness meditation can reduce workplace stress by as much as 36 … [Read more...]
A Guide to Making Winter Sports Less Painful
Anyone interested in participating in any winter sports this year should give this article a read. It offers a number of great suggestions on how you can enjoy all the skiing and snowboarding you want without potentially debilitating muscle soreness and stiffness. One excellent tip is how … [Read more...]
Constant Work Emails Do Increase Worker Stress Levels, Find Study
If a near constant barrage of work emails has left you feeling stressed out whether you’re at work or not, you’re not alone. A report originating in Britain found that 24/7 work emails cause workers to feel constantly stressed. Either turning off your email notifications or instituting an … [Read more...]
Fighting Neck Pain All Naturally
Increasing amounts of workers from a variety of different fields are coming home from their work days with painfully stiff and sore necks. If your one of those workers, instead of reaching for a bottle of over-the-counter pain medications, give one of the all-natural neck pain remedies … [Read more...]
10 foods That Are Packed with Omega-3 Fatty Acids
If you want to increase your omega-3 fatty acid consumption to get all the health benefits that particular nutrient provides, this blog post outlines exactly which foods have the most omega-3 by volume. While a variety of different fish make the list, flaxseed and walnuts actually the … [Read more...]
Stress among US Workers Has Increased Sharply, Find Study
Workplace Options, a company that provides assistance to employees, recently released a report saying that stress levels among US workers have increased by 58 percent from 2012 to 2014. If you’re part of that 58 percent, you should definitely consider altering your dietary habits to … [Read more...]
Tips and Tricks on How to Give Your Weight Loss Efforts to Boost
If you are really struggling with your weight loss goals, you might want to try one of the strategies outlined in this Huffington Post article. It’s packed with innovative suggestions, such as gradually reducing your TV watching in order to dedicate more time to physical activity, that can … [Read more...]
A Guide to Fighting End of the Year Job Stress
As businesses across the world are working to make sure they end 2015 in the black, workers are being asked to work longer and longer hours to achieve that goal. If your workdays have been getting longer recently, this Tech.No feature on how to all-naturally de-stress after a long day has … [Read more...]
The Importance of Vitamin A
Did you know that if you don’t get enough vitamin A, it can negatively affect your immune system, skin health and bone growth? If your diet doesn’t include any the 10 foods listed on this post outlining the best food sources of vitamin A, you might want to make some changes to your diet or … [Read more...]
A New Year’s Resolution to Be Less Stressed
With the New Year almost upon us, there’s no better time to make a resolution to lower your stress level. This inquisitor piece offers a number of helpful tips, such as setting realistic expectations for yourself and others, that can help you make 2016 the year you finally get a handle on … [Read more...]
A Holiday Favorite Gets a Low-Fat Makeover
If you love eggnog, but are weary of its high fat content, this Food Network piece is a must read. In it, four different and very delicious looking recipes for low-fat eggnog are given. While they all look incredibly appealing, pumpkin eggnog recipe, which calls for the use of pumpkin … [Read more...]
Better Living through Yoga
In the addition to maintaining a nutritious diet and exercising regularly, you can use yoga to optimize your mental and physical health. This Huffington Post article details 15 different yoga poses you can use to regulate your breathing, increase your flexibility, lower your heart rate and … [Read more...]
Study Finds Link between Vitamin D Deficiency and Stress Fractures
A new study has found that people who are deficient in vitamin D have a much greater risk factor for incurring a stress fracture. As stress fractures tend to afflict people who leave physically active lives, runners, rec league participants, flight football champions and weekend basketball … [Read more...]
The Subtle Way Stress Can Negatively Impact Your Health
Have you had difficulty concentrating at work? Are you finding a struggle to follow the plot in your favorite TV show? Has your back been bothering you with no apparent cause recently? Those problems might be symptoms of excess stress. Click the link below to learn more about the subtle … [Read more...]
28 Nutritious and Delicious Dinner Recipes are what
While breakfast is the most important meal of the day, dinner is a close second. If you want to make sure the last meal of the day is tasty as it is healthy, check out this Greatist post of 28 different low-carb dinners you can make with a crockpot. The Honey Garlic Wings and Hawaiian Pork … [Read more...]
Relaxing: It Does a Body Good
It takes more than just eating right and working out regularly to stay healthy. You also have to make sure you’re keeping your cardiovascular system strong by doing things that will lower your stress level. If you are exhibiting one or more of the symptoms described in this article, … [Read more...]
Tips on How to Beat Holiday Stress
If holiday stress is getting you down, this post is filled with useful suggestions on how to let some of the pressure of the last month of the year. One excellent recommendation is to not allow the holidays to disrupt your fitness regimen. You’ll need the energy and stress release that … [Read more...]
Using Your Smart Phone to Fight Stress
There’s a lot of talk about how spending too much time in your smartphone can increase your stress level, certain workers don’t have the luxury of being out of contact for extended periods of time. If your career revolves around your mobile device, one of the four stress-busting apps … [Read more...]
Myth Busting Weight Loss Tips
If you’re struggling to lose weight, it may be because you are following a dietary principle that’s actually undercutting your fitness efforts. For example, drinking diet soda instead of the regular version may be negatively affecting your body’s ability to metabolize sugar and increasing … [Read more...]
Finding the Stress Fighting Solution That Works for You
As this University of St. Thomas - Minnesota blog post points out, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for stress. However, by cycling through a variety of all-natural techniques, such as getting some aerobic exercise during particular stressful moments, you will eventually find a … [Read more...]
A to Zinc: A Guide to the Essential Nutrients
Everybody knows that vitamin D is essential for good bone health, but do you know what affect vitamin K has on the human body? This comprehensive Examiner piece explains exactly how a variety of vitamins and minerals impact our biology and what happens if we become deficient in any of … [Read more...]
Strategies for Depressurizing the Workplace
With the average full-time American worker now putting in 47 hours per week, work stress related maladies like tech neck are now reaching epidemic proportions across the country. This blog post details a variety of different solutions, like regular time management meetings, that can be … [Read more...]
An All-Natural Way to Boost Your Energy Level
Do you find that your energy flags toward the middle of your workday? Instead of drinking heavily caffeinated energy drink, increase your intake of vitamin E. Doing so can aid in your digestive process, which will in turn optimize your metabolism. Find out other vitamins can up your energy … [Read more...]
Seven Delicious and Healthy Breakfast Options
If you’re interested in getting an energy boost in the morning, take a look at these healthy Greatist breakfast recipes. The Warm Green Breakfast Bowl has enough quinoa, eggs and almonds to keep your hunger satisfied for hours and your energy level steady. If you're looking for something … [Read more...]
Massage Your Way to a Better Night’s Sleep
If you’re having a hard time getting to sleep at night, try giving your arms and feet a massage before buying an over-the-counter sleep aid. By gently rubbing the middle of your feet and the sides of your bicep, you can relax muscles that of grown tense over the course of your day. The … [Read more...]
Vitamin C Is Good for More Than Just Your Immune System
Since childhood, we’re told that we should get plenty of vitamin c because it’s good for our immune system, but that’s hardly the nutrient’s only health benefit. For instance, the ascorbic acid in vitamin C is excellent for removing the free radicals that cause our skin to become dried … [Read more...]
How Being Stressed out Can Help You Lead a Less Stressful Life
Stress can be incredibly damaging to your overall mental and physical health but in many ways it’s an unavoidable part of life. This Fast Company feature suggests that instead of trying futilely to evade stress, you should embrace it as a way to build up your own mental resilience, and in … [Read more...]
Vitamin D Can Lower Heart Disease Risk Factor and Improve Workout Performance
A recent study has found that by increasing your intake of vitamin D you can both improve your performance while exercising and lower your risk factor for contracting heart disease. Scottish researchers found that vitamin D has those effects because it lowers the amount of the stress … [Read more...]
27 Healthy Recipes for Meals and Desserts You Can Make in a Microwave
If you’re interested in adding a little variety into your diet, this Greatist article has 27 different recipes for healthy meals and desserts that you can prepare in minutes using your microwave and a mug. The chocolate and coconut oil breakfast muffin, noodle free minute lasagna and … [Read more...]
Feeling stressed out? Take up a new hobby
If you’re finding yourself overburdened by everyday stress, join a local rec league. The physical exertion involved in practice for and play in rec league games will infuse your body with a number of different stress fighting hormones. Taking up a sport is only one of five hobbies that … [Read more...]
The Ins and Outs of Vitamin A
We all know that vitamins play an essential role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but because there are so many, it can be hard to keep track of what they’ll do. This article offers a helpful primer on all the different things vitamin A does for us, including boosting immune function, … [Read more...]
Study Finds Link between Social Media Platform and High Stress Level
Social media platforms are great for maintaining long-distance friendships, but a new study found that they also have the effect of increasing our stress levels. Researchers found that teenagers with an excess of 300 Facebook friends are significantly more stressed out. If you have more … [Read more...]
The Wonders of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements
People who struggle with hypertension are often prescribed omega-3 fatty acid supplements because they’re so effective at lowering blood pressure, but did you know they can also be helpful in fighting anxiety, insomnia and depression? This piece explains the 17 different ways omega-3 fatty … [Read more...]
A Guide to Conquering Holiday Stress
If you’re not careful, holiday stress can turn what should be the most wonderful time of the year into a month-long headache. If holiday related stress is getting you down, use the 10 strategies outlined on this post manage the increased demands on your time and energy that tend to crop up … [Read more...]
How 10 Minutes of Exercise a Day Can Change Your Life
While a nice glass of red wine and a few hours watching your newest television obsession might reduce some of your day to day stress, there’s nothing more effective than getting regular exercise. This Miami Herald article looks at how adding as little as 10 minutes a day of exercise can … [Read more...]
Finding the Motivation to Work out in the Winter
As temperatures plunge and the streets get filled with snow, it can be difficult to find the motivation to head to the gym or take a jog around the neighborhood. This article offers five different ways you can make yourself more excited about exercising in the winter, such as buying … [Read more...]
Healthy Alternatives for Classic Holiday Dishes
If you’re interested in preparing holiday feast that won’t expand your waistline, this renegade health article lists a number of healthy ways to prepare classic winter celebration dishes. As it turns out, tasty and nutritious variations on fruitcake, yams, mashed potatoes, eggnog and apple … [Read more...]
Unconventional Ways to Reduce Stress
Did you know that eating cashews and blueberries can make you feel less stressed out? The vitamin C in the blueberries will reduce the amount of cortisol in your blood and the high zinc content of the cashews helps your body cope with the effects of anxiety. Give this post a once over to … [Read more...]
Researchers Find Sedentary Lifestyle, Poor Diet Can Result in Vitamin Deficiency
A new study coming out of the United Arab Emirates has found that as the body is subjected to increasing amounts of stress, its need for vitamin D and E also goes up. Researchers found that women who had sedentary lifestyles and poor diets had a much greater likelihood of becoming … [Read more...]
Survey Finds Self-Expectations Are Leading Cause of Stress
A recent survey found that after money, the thing that worries Americans the most is the pressure they place on themselves to succeed. Thankfully there is an easy way to deal with that particular stressor. Getting regular aerobic exercise will not only lower your stress level, it will also … [Read more...]
Probiotics and Their Effect on Belly Fat
Dieters interested in losing excess belly fat will likely find this article on probiotics to be an enlightening read. In addition to promoting good heart health and eating and digestion, probiotic foods like yogurt are rich in certain kinds of bacteria that help the body properly regulate … [Read more...]
Depressurizing the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be as stressful as it is life-affirming, but by taking a few organizational steps you can depressurize the most wonderful time of the year. For example, you should make up a list of everyone you need to buy gifts for and ask them what they’d be interested in … [Read more...]
How to Get Fit for Summer
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who are planning to use this upcoming winter as a chance to develop a fit and toned summer body, this News.Au article provides a few pointers on how to do just that. In addition to common sense steps like getting more exercise, it also lists … [Read more...]
Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
The reason so many people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight is because they’ve overdone it during the holiday season and are now packing a few extra pounds. This Huffington Post piece offers a number of useful tips and tricks on how to keep your weight under control over the … [Read more...]
Stress Fighting Tips from the Pros
Because of the constant physical and mental stress that goes into being a professional athlete, today’s sports stars have had to develop different ways keeping their focus sharp and their stress levels nominal. Check out this post to learn how football stars and basketball champions keep … [Read more...]
The Truth about Omega-3 Fatty Acids
There’s been a lot of talk in the media recently about the importance of incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. However, it’s been less widely reported that there actually several different types of omega-3 acids and they don’t all have the same health benefits. This Authority … [Read more...]
Finding an Ideal Sleep Schedule
You might’ve heard something about how sleeping less than five hours a night can have a negative effect on your health, did you know that sleeping more than nine hours a day can be even worse? A South Korean study found that patients who slept more than nine hours a night had 70 percent … [Read more...]
The Role Vitamins Play in Teeth and Gum Health
If you want to make sure that you have good dental health well into your later years it’s not enough just to brush and floss regularly. It’s also important to make sure that you don’t become deficient in certain essential nutrients that. This Bold Sky article lists which vitamins play a … [Read more...]
The Optimal Diet for a Runner
Running is a good way to stay fit and relieve stress, but it’s important to keep in mind how your diet will affect your physical performance. As this post explains, before run it’s a good idea to eat something heavy in carbohydrates but low in fiber to avoid stomach distress. The post has … [Read more...]
Losing Weight with Make Ahead Meals
As anyone who’s ever lost a significant amount of weight will tell you, it’s incredibly it’s essential that you create a meal plan that is nutritious but also satisfies your hunger and need for a variety of different tastes. This Greatist article suggests seven different meals that you can … [Read more...]
The Relationship between Vitamin Intake and Skin Health
Even though it’s been well established that skin problems like acne are caused by the amount of bacteria on your face instead of your diet, your intake of essential nutrients can have a big impact on the condition of your skin. As an example, vitamin A has properties that aid in collagen … [Read more...]
Lower Your Stress Level in 60 Seconds
When you’re under stream from the demands of your personal and professional life, it can be difficult to remember how important it is to do things that can temper the physiological effects of stress .This helpful article outlines five different ways that you can lower your stress level in … [Read more...]
Tart Cherry Juice Is Fantastic All-Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Researchers in Oregon have found that tart cherry juice is as good an anti-inflammatory as ibuprofen, only without the negative long-term health effects. So come the next time you feel a backache or accidentally bang your knee into a cabinet, gulp down an ice cold glass of vitamin a rich … [Read more...]
The Importance of Relaxing
If you’re being overwhelmed by stress on regular basis, give this article a read. It offers up a number of all natural ways you can beat stress. Many of the strategies it outlines deal with managing your time effectively, but things like performing breathing exercises are very useful in … [Read more...]
An All-Natural Way to Treat Inflamed Joints
The next time you feel some joint pain and soreness after working out, practice some tai chi moves instead of taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. A recent study found that adults who practice that particular Chinese martial art on a regular basis experience a reduction in physical … [Read more...]
All Natural Remedies for Stress
The next time you’re feeling deeply stressed out, go buy some lavender oil. As this article explains, inhaling the fumes from essential oils such as lavender, mint and eucalyptus can have the effect of common your jittery nerves and putting your mind and body into a much more relaxed … [Read more...]
Winning the Fight against Holiday Season Weight Gain
If you’re concerned about gaining weight during the fall and winter, this article offers a step-by-step guide on how to win the fight against holiday season weight gain. One excellent tip is to make sure that you’re getting enough water by drinking warm beverages as ice cold water isn’t as … [Read more...]
Italian Company Finds That without Work Email, Employees Are Less Stressed
In an attempt to increase employee job satisfaction, an Italian company did away with all work email for one week. As a result, the employees stress level dropped significantly. If your workplace is in giving up email anytime soon, you might consider techniques such as taking a walk during … [Read more...]
Vitamin D – It’s More Important than You Thought
It turns out that making sure you have enough vitamin D in your diet does a lot more than just keep your bones strong over the course of your life. A new study found that being deficient in vitamin D can increase a person’s risk factor of developing coronary artery disease, stroke and … [Read more...]
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