Very often those inching their way along to a healthier dietary regimen start with downgrading their dairy consumption, or at the very least finding healthier alternatives for the moo juice. This makes sense as very few edibles have such an obvious and visceral correlation with congestion. After all, many is the soul who has experienced a phlegmy cough after an ice-cream binge.
But, which alternatives are the best choices? Aimond milk is delicious and nutritious. However, fresh sprouted and organic versions are not found in the average, if any, store. The best solution may be to make your own. Coconut milk, flaxseed milk and hemp milk are also potentiality good milk subdtitutes, although the latter two will almost certainly need to be made by hand.
Health-drink advocates caution against buying store versions of almond milk, as they are not apt to be either organic or even particularly full of almonds.The caution also applies to low-grade coconut mikk, which is likely enough thickened and watered down. The same caution applies to store-purchased hemp and rice variants. Soy milk which is the grand-daddy of milk subs, is eschewed by moo-juice subbers in the know as the soy used tends to be both non-organic and heavily sprayed with pesticides.
Key Takeaways:
- Eschewing conventional dairy can help you transition to a healthier lifestyle.
- Homemade almond milk, coconut milk, flax milk, and homemade hemp milk are some good dairy options.
- Store bought versions of almond, rice and hemp milk, plus low grade coconut milk, are bad dairy alternatives.
“The most common of dairy alternatives, almond milk has been around for decades and lines the shelves of nearly any grocery store with healthier options.”
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