Have you thought about using meal replacements in order to get healthy or even to lose weight? Do you know what you can lose or gain with these meal replacements? Chances are that like most people you have heard of them and the way they can help you lose weight but you might not have done your research on them. There are key factors like age and what you are replacing that you have to consider as well.
Key Takeaways:
- For the average healthy adult, meal replacement bars or shakes seem to be beneficial only when they are replacing an unhealthy food item in your daily diet
- meal replacements are sometimes used to help feed sick patients who can’t keep any food down
- “There’s a place for meal replacements when people are really having trouble eating for one reason or another, but for healthy, free-living people of any age, they should be eating whole food, and they should be taking the time and the effort to do so,”
“The meal replacement company Soylent offers grab-and-go drinks and bars designed to be consumed in place of sitting down for a meal — but, for now, the company is urging customers to throw out its Soylent Bars.”