As cold and flu season has now begun, it’s important to do all you can to make sure your immune system is optimized. One way to make sure your immune system can be effective in fighting off cold and flu viruses is to not put your body under any undue strain. You can do this by getting regular exercise, which has the effect of lowering your stress level and keeping your muscles and fascia loose and strong. You can also do this by maintaining a diet of nutrient rich foods that don’t overtax your gastrointestinal system.
You can also help your immune system by making sure you’re not deficient in any essential vitamins or minerals. If your immune system has to cope with a significant nutrient deficiency, it won’t be able to effectively protect you from potentially debilitating viruses. In addition to optimizing your immune system, vitamin E has antioxidant properties that play a significant role in helping your body fight off infection. Zinc can help moderate the speed at which your immune system responds to an infection. And, some studies of found that upping your intake of vitamin C at the onset of a cold can actually shorten the length of your illness.
Read the full article here: Healthy Today: Vitamins for preventive health