Chlorine, Fluoride, and Bromide lower iodine levels in the body by blocking iodine receptors which are found through out the body and in the thyroid gland. Chlorine is now used as to purify water instead of iodine. Fluoride is almost universally found in toothpaste and drinking water, and bromine replaced iodine in commercial baked goods over 30 years ago.
Unfortunately, these minerals aren’t just toxic for your thyroid — they’re dangerous for your health overall. Fluoride is a problem because it blocks the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine and bromide can cause depression, headaches, and even hallucinations.
Also, soy, and gluten foods block thyroid function by inhibiting the uptake of iodine, all of which cause us to be iodine deficient in turn causes our metabolism to slow down. You have to either change your diet or take a iodine supplement to combat these contaminants.