We have all heard of shin splints before. This is a common runner’s injury that can be very debilitating. However, did you know that plenty of people who do walking also suffer from shin splints? Perhaps this is the feeling you have had in your own shins recently. It’s that tenderness around the bone that you feel on either side of your shin.
So what can you do about this malady? Well, there seems to be a lot that can be done. For one thing, if you understand what shin splints are, then you can more easily work on healing them and getting back into walking shape in no time.
So what is a shin splint? A lot of times it’s the muscle stretching over your shin bone from exertion and use. So what can you do about it? Well, there are two things. The first thing you need to do is rest. This is a key component of getting over shin splints that people do not understand.
The next thing you can do once you are done resting and healing are specific exercises to strengthen that particular area of your body so you don’t have a recurrence of the situation.
Read the full article here: Why shin splints happen