It’s common knowledge that getting regular exercise is hugely important to preventing against illnesses like heart disease, hypertension and obesity. However, a new study has found that maintaining workout regimen can also lower your risk factor of contracting age-related diseases that are known to impair cognitive function. Scientists working out of John Hopkins University School of Medicine discovered that mice who get regular exercise have increased amounts of protein enzyme called SIRT3, which can protect the brain against attack from stress hormone-infused brain plaque.
There was a time when it was thought the worst stress could do to a person was cause them to experience persistent insomnia and increase their risk factor for heart attack. Thanks to recent scientific advances, we know that not treating stress can lead to a host of serious illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. That’s why it’s so important to make working out a regular part of your schedule and to make sure that your diet is free of foods that are been proven to increase stress levels. Although they can be very tasty, eating prepackaged meat and sweets that are made with refined grain and sugar can have a major negative impact on your health. Having a sedentary lifestyle and maintaining a diet that is sorely lacking in essential vitamins and minerals can literally take years off your life.
Read the full article here: How exercise may energize brain cell function: Animal study