When it comes to treating sinus infections using natural methods and treating them at the source is one of the most effective ways for treatment. For treating sinus infections hydration is essential. When you force pathogens past mucous membranes the immune system is retrained and the membranes ability to respond is lowered. Sometimes manually cleaning the sinus cavity is needed because your external environment could be overburdening the sinuses.
Key Takeaways:
- Ineffective mucous membranes could also be caused by vaccines and the consistent retraining of how the immune system responds to pathogens.
- When pathogens are introduced directly into the muscle tissue and into the blood, the mucous membranes and exocrine system glands are bypassed.
- When multiple vaccines are administered throughout a person’s young life, the mucous membranes go unused to a certain degree.
“When the sinus cavities are inefficient at removing pathogens, mold, chemicals, dander, pollen, or dust, then congestion, pressure, and infection can manifest.”