Olive oil is a fat so how can it help reverse the damage you do if you eat too much fat? There are different kinds of fats. Some are healthier and actually benefit you and others don’t. Olive oil is easy to get into your diet so if it helps this is good news. You can use it in many recipes even if they call for other oils. Substitutions can easily be made to make the recipe better for you.
Key Takeaways:
- Hydroxytyrosol, a compound in extra virgin olive oil, can has cardiovascular benefits and can reduce problems caused by a high fat diet.
- Researchers found hydroxytyrosol increases the activity of enzymes that are needed for the synthesis of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Scientists believe the hyroxytyrosol in extra virgin olive oil is responsible for the many benefits that come with consuming the oil.
“In an interview with Olive Oil Times, naturopathic candidate Rob Raponi explained that to receive the maximum benefit from hydroxytyrosol, it’s best to avoid overheating the oil.”
Read more: https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/olive-oil-health-news/olive-oil-helps-reverse-damage-high-fat-diets/56307