According to a survey conducted by a journal, pain is the primary factor for which people take the advice of health professionals. People take various kinds of medicines in order to curb that pain. The root cause of pain lies in the irritation of the nerve endings. Some of the most common factors which may irritate the nerve endings are improper sleep, hormonal factors and nutritional imbalances.
In simple terms, it can be said that pain is an indicator of some kind of malfunction and inflammation in the body. Whether a person suffers from acute or chronic pain, the first reaction is always to take a pain reliever.
However, most of the pain controlling drugs interfere with the body’s inflammation responses and/or have side effects. In order to get rid of such problems, a natural cure for getting relief from inflammation and pain was created by Terry Naturally. This product is a popular brand of Curamin. The chief ingredients of this product include curcumin, DLPA (dl-phenylalanine), Boswellia, curcuminoids and nattokinase. This blend of components works naturally to help a person to get rid of inflammatory pain.
The formula of this medicine is basically based on the spice, turmeric, which has been used since ages for healing effects. It is derived from the root of a plant called Curcuma longa and its component is curcumin. It is considered to be very effective in giving relief from post surgical inflammations, swelling, arthritic pain and other inflammations.
Indian frankincense or Boswellia serrata is the second important anti inflammatory herb used in the preparation of Curamin. The actives components of this herb are the boswellic acids derived from plant’s resins. This component is also very effective in reducing inflammatory disorders and pain.
The 3rd component used in the formulation of Curamin is dl-phenylalanine which is primarily a mixture of the L and D forms of Phenylalanine. This ingredient helps in reducing pain by affecting neural pain paths in the brain.
As phenylalanine is present in all the proteins taken in the body, the metabolic system uses it and its by-products efficiently and effectively. This ingredient is considered to be completely free from any kind of side effects. However, people suffering from a rare metabolic disorder called as phenylketonuria or PKU should avoid taking both the L and D forms of phenylalanine. Apart from this, people taking antidepressants or other prescription stimulants should also not take DPLA.
The last component used in the composition of Curamin is nattokinase. It is also a natural food-based ingredient. It is primarily an enzyme extracted from a Japanese soy “cheese,” called natto. It basically helps in relieving pain by melting blood clots, as blood clots can add to pain.
It is recommended to take two capsules of Curamin on a daily basis for instant pain relief. It relieves in as little as forty five minutes as experienced by most of the people who have taken this medicine. As Curamin works in conjunction with the body’s natural ability to stop inflammations, it doesn’t have any side effects to the body. It is a highly effective product for people suffering from any types of inflammation.
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