As omega-3 fatty acids can have the effect of improving eye health, reducing anxiety, decreasing joint and muscle inflammation and lowering a person’s risk factor for contracting certain neurological diseases, they should be part of any healthy diet. However, since the most plentiful source of that particular nutrient come from different species of fatty fish, it may not be appetizing or healthy to get your omega-3’s that way. Another way to get this well nutrient is through fish oil supplement. However, there are a variety of different fish oils on the market and not all of them offer the same health benefits.
This Authority Nutrition post offers a fairly comprehensive guide about the various kinds of fish oil that are available and their various health benefits. For example, a natural fish oil supplement is a good source of vitamins A and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. By comparison, supplements made with processed fish oil are relatively cheap, but they don’t absorb into your system as easily as natural fish oil. Additionally, Krill oil supplements are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are lower in contaminants like Mercury than other fish oils. Give this highly informative post a read to learn more about the differences between fish oil supplements.
Read the full article here: Omega-3 Supplement Guide: What to Buy and Why