Selenium is one of the several essential dietary minerals and humans require a small quantity of this in their daily diet. It is incorporated in a little group of vital proteins, each of that plays an important role in the human health. Scientists call selenium possessing proteins as selenoproteins. It has obtained huge popularity over the decades based on certain confusing researches regarding whether low selenium food items are implicated in cancer risk.
Antioxidant Protection
It is now obvious that selenium is very essential for antioxidant protection and also for other reasons. The content of selenium in plant foods is always closely associated to selenium content of soil in that the plants have been planted. The soils can differ heavily but poor content is not usually an aspect in the normal diet. Grass fed, fish and pasture raised meats, nuts, whole grains and seeds are good and excellent source of selenium. It is needed for the right activity of a team of enzymes known as gluthaione peroxidases. They have an important role in the detoxification system in the body and also offers protection against stress. Among eight known enzymes, five of the glutathione peroxidase need selenium.
Food Sources of Selenium
Along with this, selenium having enzymes are included in the recycling of C vitamins permitting for higher level of antioxidant protection. It is also responsible for changing a less active thyroid. Iodine and selenium perform together to maintain thyroid hormone performance consistent and strong. As a common rule, you can know the rich sources of selenium through food group. Shellfish and fish are very best source of selenium. Most of the animal meats are good, seeds and whole grains also represent an excellent source of selenium. Selenium content of these items tend to be steady at the time of storage. Animal foods lose small levels of selenium in processing or cooking. Processing whole grains is very detrimental, creating sixty percent of wheat flour from whole wheat takes off simply half of the content.
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