Eating Fruits and vegetables is not just good for your body but good for your spirits. Researches have found there may be a link between the amount of produce you consume and your positive feelings. There are lots of great ideas for infusing your daily diet with some positive feeling produce. Here are just a few to get you started.
Key Takeaways:
- What it found is that people got incrementally happier with every daily serving of fruit and vegetables they ate (up to eight portions a day).
- Making pizza dough from minced cauliflower to be healthier, gluten free and nutrient loaded.
- One possible theory is that the abundance of antioxidants the fruits and vegetables provides leads to higher levels of carotenoids in the blood.
“Why the connection between increased produce consumption and increased happiness? Researchers don’t know for sure, but one possible theory is that the abundance of antioxidants the fruits and vegetables provides leads to higher levels of carotenoids in the blood — and having higher levels of carotenoids has been linked to optimism.”