If you’re trying to lose weight, but you find yourself craving the unique sweetness of refined sugar, you might consider adding honey to your regular dietary intake. Although honey is high in calories and sugar, it is better for you than refined sugar for a number of different reasons. For one thing, honey is rich in antioxidants, which can lower your risk factor for contracting cancer later in life and it promotes good eye health. It’s also been found to have properties that lower blood pressure, which has the effect of preventing against the development of potentially debilitating diseases such as hypertension and type II diabetes.
Additionally, some studies have found that honey can lower a person’s LHL cholesterol while simultaneously raising their level of HDL cholesterol. That effect can be highly beneficial for someone with a family history of heart attacks and stroke. Studies have also shown that honey is effective at lowering the quantity of triglycerides in a person’s blood. As high triglyceride levels are an indicator of insulin resistance, honey can serve as a healthy and tasty replacement for refined sugar in things like coffee and various baked goods. Click the link below to learn more reasons why honey is healthier than you might have been led to believe.
Read the full article here: 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Honey