Strong bones matter because as you get older they automatically get weaker, and if they were already weak to begin with you’re in trouble. You could suffer fractures if you were to fall. This gives 12 foods to eat to help strengthen your bones so you can plan the right kind of diet. This isn’t just something the elderly should care about either. This would be good for anyone because it will help in the future.
Key Takeaways:
- Maintaining good bone health is important in order to prevent osteoporosis, and there are many natural ingredients we can use in order to keep our bones strong
- Many fruits and vegetables, including apples, cabbage, kale, and leafy greens, contain the anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals our bodies need in order to keep our bones healthy
- Ingredients essential to bone health are also found in salmon, almond milk, coconut oil, pineapple juice, and certain nuts and seeds, like chia and sesame seeds
“It’s no surprise to find green tea on this list; it contains properties that promote bone health.”
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