When moving from an anything goes diet to one that places restrictions on your intake of saturated fats, refined grains and excess sugars it can be challenging to find foods that will fill you up. For example, a bowl of protein rich and amino acid packed quinoa will likely prove to be more filling than oversized bag of not show cheese tortilla chips. The reason why is that the chips have an extremely low fiber content, so eating them in great quantities won’t fill you up because your digestive system breaks them down very quickly. Quinoa on the other hand, is much denser and takes longer to break down so eating it will keep you feeling full for a long time.
This Authority Nutrition page lists a number of other foods that can be incredibly filling in appropriate serving sizes. For instance, Greek yogurt is a great late afternoon snack because it’s high in essential nutrients and protein while having a relatively low calorie count. Along similar lines, raw unsalted nuts make for an excellent healthy snack as they are dense, suffused with essential nutrients and have enough fat and protein to satisfy your cravings in between meals. Follow the link below to learn about more foods that can keep you full without expanding your waistline.
Read the full article here: 15 Foods That Are Incredibly Filling