Alzheimer's can affect the elderly. It can cause them to become confused and affects their memory so they don't understand time. Sufferers need a lot of care. One of the things which can supposedly help is omega-3 fatty acids. These have other benefits as well so should already be in your diet no … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2017
PQQ May Prevent Osteoporosis from Testosterone Deficiency in Animal Study
A new antioxidant found in kiwifruit may just be the ticket needed to help stop issues with bone help. After some tests are done through animal studies and more with this antioxidant PQQ hope is in the air that a lot more can be done for the future of bone health including Osteoporosis, which is a … [Read more...]
Developing a mixture of ingredients is proposed to improve memory by 80%, melt fat, and improve both eyesight and hearing. The ingredients in this concoction include horseradish, lemon, honey, cinnamon, and ginger. These ingredients should be combined using a blender. Taking one tablespoon of this … [Read more...]
Amazing Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Not only are Omega-3 Fatty Acids used to treat cardiovascular problems and help ensure a healthy pregnancy, but they can relieve join pain - like arthritis - and even make your skin soft and smooth. These acids come both naturally, like in fish and nuts, and in a supplement form. Sanat Mega Omega … [Read more...]
Chlorpyrifos, a Dangerous Food Pesticide, Was Approved by EPA + 10 Ways to Avoid
It's amazing how many dangerous toxins can end up in our food, and just recently another one was approved by the EPA to be used as a pesticide for our vegetables. This has raised many concerns on how one can avoid the toxic chemical and a list has been created on ways to avoid, but one has to ask … [Read more...]
Galangal: The Best Cancer-Fighting Herb Around?
Galangal is a cancer fighting plant that is in the ginger family. Galangal is similar to turmeric and is found grown in Asia. Galangal is found in herb Thai cooking. Ayurvedic medicine often consists of galangal because of its many health benefits. Although it resembles ginger greatly, it is not the … [Read more...]
Progesterone Cream As Menopause Treatment
When you think about how simple it is to learn how to apply progesterone cream, it is a wonder anybody sticks with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). It does not mean that HRT does not have its uses, it is just that most women are taking their health into their hands and choosing not to rely on … [Read more...]
Eating Only 2 Pieces of THIS Increases Your Risk of Pancreatic Cancer!
Pancreatic cancer risk is increased through the consumptions of meats especially processed meats (e.g., bacon, ham, hotdogs, and sausage). The nitrates in these products are associated with cancer. The mortality rate of pancreatic cancer is 70% within five years of diagnosis. Further, 90% of … [Read more...]
8 Vegan Superfoods You Need To Eat This Summer
Summer is about to tumble through your backyard and with it comes the worry of that bikini figure. Instead of worrying about that fat gaining ice cream let's take a look at the eight awesome superfoods that will help you stay tuned, fit, and be ready for the beach whenever the sun is high in the … [Read more...]