CBD oil has become more popular recently. It is used to treat chronic pain, anxiety and depression. Since its recent increase in popularity, the best way to consume it is still being developed. Some people just ingest the oil. The CBD oil can be consumed or added to food. It also can be placed under the tongue for sublingual administration. For muscle pain, it can be applied topically to a local area of pain. It can also be inhaled.
Key Takeaways:
- CBD oil, which does not produce the psychoactive effects of THC, is used to relieve symptoms of everything from epilepsy and multiple sclerosis to cancer.
- CBD interacts with endocannabinoid (and some non-endocannabinoid) receptors that influence things like pain, cognition and inflammation.
- CBD oil can be added to food (“edibles”) and beverages, taken as capsules, vaped or applied topically.
“CBD oil is obtained from the cannabis sativa plant. The plant has more than 113 cannabinoids discovered so far. Of these, cannabidiol (CBD) is the main compound in cannabis oil, counting for over 40% of the total plant extract.”
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