Many people are looking for ways to extend their lives and time on this planet. There are five feasible and applicable ways to extend your lifespan. These ideas include normalizing your blood pressure, controlling your glucose, raising your HDL, lowering your LDL, and optimizing your vitamin D intake. Fortunately, most of these ways include the use of supplements to better your quality life. Altering your lifestyle, taking the correct supplements, and making healthy decisions will lead to longer and higher quality of life.
Key Takeaways:
- High blood pressure is associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease.
- High glucose is associated with diabetes, which magnifies the adverse effects of all other diseases , including cancer.
- Vitamin D also regulates critical signaling pathways that prevent cancer. The result of not enough vitamin D is a higher risk for cancer and a shorter lifespan.
“To prevent cardiovascular disease and live longer, you need to achieve a blood pressure of 115/75 mm Hg.”