Great suggestions compacted into a short article. The author lays out a good way to stock your fridge and shelves. It appears that foods high in B vitamins and anti-oxidants can also help with anxiety. Common go-to comfort food, for example, macaroni and cheese, are shown to be not helpful.
Key Takeaways:
- Research suggests nutrients in oily fish and certain nuts may help you feel more calm.
- Blueberries contain anthocyanins, and while you’d probably have to eat a lot, it’s thought that the antioxidants that they contain might help produce dopamine which also helps to control your mood,”
- A 2009 study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that chamomile extract was shown to significantly reduce feelings of anxiety
“Stress is brought on by a number of circumstances, from work deadlines to major life events. And when we’re overwhelmed, it can be very easy to cope with, say, a handful of chips or a cookie or two.”