There are 8 things that protect a man’s prostate cancer risk. The number one risk for prostate cancer is age. But, there are other things that can increase their odds of getting it. African American men are more likely to develop prostate cancer. The more often a guy masturbates, the greater his risk of getting prostate cancer. This was done in a study that showed how it works. How often they have sex, the lower the risk of getting prostate cancer.
Key Takeaways:
- It is possible to develop prostate cancer by excessive masturbation among men. There is a direct correlation between masturbation and prostate cancer risk.
- Read the research and delve down in to the contents to learn more about it. That could keep people informed and help them understand the risk itself.
- Cancer is very serious and should be considered by younger men. That could prevent prostate cancer and help them live longer lives as well.
“The more a man masturbates in his 20’s 30’s and 40’s, the greater his risk for prostate cancer”
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