In recent times there have been labels on foods saying that no antibiotics were used. Many people think that food raised with antibiotics are a bad thing and can be a danger to our health, but there are a few experts who claim that antibiotics are not all that dangerous to one’s health. So, who is right? Well, according to these experts, the antibiotics used in these animals is actually a very low dosage.
The antibiotics can actually increase the amount of food they produce, improve health of the animals, prolong lifespan of animals, and improve reproduction. T
he antibiotics thus improve the amount of food being supplied. Also the chance of antibiotics being consumed from animals is extremely low. Drug withdrawal programs are enforced by the law to ensure the animals have no antibiotics in their system before they are sold for consumption.
There is also little to no evidence of antibiotics actually being consumed through foods as well as being able to cause harm to humans. At the end of the day there is no real threat of antibiotics being used in foods. For more information on antibiotics in your food, click on the link down below.
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