If you find yourself dealing with lower back pain on a regular basis, one thing is for sure…you are going to have a hard time staying fit and continuing to live a healthy life.
Why? Because lower back pain is a problematic issue that truly becomes a distraction for us while we are on that road to health and fitness.
Well, if you do suffer from this type of pain, don’t hang your head low and think that all is at a loss. It’s not! We have some help for you today.
Yoga is one of the best ways to release tension in the body and deal with sore muscles. Now, when we think of yoga we usually have pictures in our mind of strange poses and sweaty bodies…but there is another type of yoga that is all about the slow, static stretch that will do your body good.
Take a look at this video and these stretches that will certainly help you deal with that low back pain.
Watch: Yoga for Low Back Pain