Sore throat is a very common type of health hazard faced by people all across the world. There is hardly any human being who has not experienced sore throat at least once in his or her lifetime. It’s a typical health condition in which a person feels uneasiness and pain in the throat. In more advance stages, sore throat leads to stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, fatigue and mild fever. Apart from medical treatment, many home remedies like slippery elm can cure the problem quite successfully.
Primary Causes of Sore Throat
Most commonly, sore throat is formed due to irritation or inflammation caused by cold or other types of viruses. Almost 80% of the problem in human being is caused by pharyngitis virus. Another virus streptococcal pharyngitis virus is also responsible for a large percentage of sore throat especially in children.
Apart from viral attacks, trauma, and tumor cause a small percentage of the disease. Gastroesophageal reflux disease may also cause acid formed in the stomach to back up to the throat and thus pain in the throat.
Symptoms of Sore Throat
People having sore throat find it hard to swallow solid foods. In advance stages, even drinking of water may be a paining job. The throat gets relief while sipping warm liquids like tea, coffee or soups. The tongue and tonsil looks unusually red, while the tonsil becomes swollen also. Sometimes earaches, headaches and fever accompany the problem.
It’s found that children aged between 5 to 15 are the most vulnerable group as far as the sore throat is concerned. In adults the attack of the disease is less severe. People having smoking habit and allergy are on greater risk of getting the disease quickly. Staying with a person having the same problem can make one at the risk of getting the disease also.
Remedy of Sore Throat
Normally, sore throat remedies within 5-7 days. But bearing the symptoms during this time is really a tough job for any person, especially children and aged family members. It’s better to visit a doctor if the problem lasts longer than a week. Otherwise, there are some really effective home remedies that can cure the disease and relief the patient quickly.
Ulmus Rubra or slippery elm is indeed an effective ingredient in soothing the throat and getting relief from the problem at the quickest possible time. People in different parts of the world have been using slippery elm for recovering from sore throat over the centuries. It’s also found that this amazing natural product can work wonderfully where even antibiotics fail.
The leaf and bark of the tree contains mucus like substance and some essential chemicals. These parts of the tree are dried and powdered. When water is added with the juice of the leaf, or powdered form of bark and leaves, a gel like substance is formed. This creates an outer coating on the affected part of the throat, thus soothing the throat. The power of the slippery elm is available in the market under different brand names. Anybody having sore throat can use this product reliably to getting rid from this health hazard.
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