How do you feel about fats? If you are like most people you immediately think the worse. It has become that in our day in age that most people see fats as the enemy. But the truth is that fats are not the enemy because they are essential. These essential fatty acids need to be taken in moderation. To learn more, check out this article.
Key Takeaways:
- Fats, which are composed of essential fatty acids, are a concentrated source of calories. Fats can be a single food item like an oil or part of a food like the fat in cheese or on a steak. They’re also found in eggs, pastries, spreads like mayonnaise, nuts and seeds, shortening, lard and salad dressing.
- In Asia and some African nations, only about 10 percent of people’s daily calories come from fat, whereas in Italy and Greece, people take in about 35 percent of their daily calories in the form of fats.
- Translating those percentages to numbers, that means eating anywhere from 22 to 78 grams of fat per day can be normal.
“There is not one right answer. In Asia and some African nations, only about 10 percent of people’s daily calories come from fat, whereas in Italy and Greece, people take in about 35 percent of their daily calories in the form of fats.”