What is Genetically Modified Foods
There has been extensive public debate over the introduction of genetically modified (GM) foods. While some question the wisdom of tinkering with the fundamental structure of food, worried that such interference will have unimaginable health consequences, others believe that genetically modified foods will save humankind from disease and pollution associated with traditionally-grown foods. Even though scientists are still not sure about the direct consequences of consuming genetically engineered foods, they have known for quite some time that genetically modified food crops can cause food allergies.
Although advocates of biotechnology claim that the genetic engineering process is flawless, this is not true. The process of producing a genetically modified crop can cause enormous alterations in the functioning of the DNA of plants. Native genes can get mutated, permanently turned off or on, deleted, and many might change their degrees of protein expression. Also, damage may lead to rising
levels of existing allergen.
Health problems aside, genetically engineered foods cause other problems which are mainly environmental. Even though some genetically engineered produce are better able to repel diseases and pests, this meddling could threaten biodiversity. The possibility that
bio-insecticides might kill off useful insects that fight other pests is of the greatest concern. Genetically modified foods are certainly here to stay. GM technology might be found in your soybeans, corn, tomatoes, zucchini and papayas. You can avoid genetically modified food crops by selecting foods labeled organic.
- http://www.responsibletechnology.org/gmo-dangers/health-risks/articles-about-risks-by-jeffrey-smith/Genetically-Engineered-Foods-May-Cause-Rising-Food-Allergies-Genetically-Engineered-Soybeans-May-2007
- www.responsibletechnology.org
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