The school lunch is probably something you don’t quite fondly remember. It typically consisted of a very cardboard like substance that was passed off as a piece of pizza, and maybe a high fructose containing box of “juice.” Such lunches were not well fortified in vitamins and nutrients, and thus are a thing of the past gladly forgotten.
However, as we age and have families, these lunches have a surprising way of making a come back. How so? Well, we have kids. We send them to school, and suddenly we are concerned all over again with these lunches. Are they healthy? Are they safe?
Well, good news today…at least for one county, and that is that there school district will be receiving food ingredients which are all organic for their kids’ school lunches. This is wonderful. Why? We know that foods in general are treated with pesticides as well as hormones. Obviously, these two things are not good for anybody, let alone our children.
Many have credited the use of hormones in food as having a direct impact upon the growth of our children…and not in a good way. What we hope to see in the future are more school districts following suit. In the meanwhile, prepare your kids school lunch. They’ll appreciate it.
Read the full article here: All-Organic Public School Cafeteria