At the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society, Sudhair James from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka presented a new way to cook rice that would cut the caloric absorption by 50-60%. He figured out a way to make the rice become a resistant (indigestible) starch, which resists the absorption of the starch or sugar from entering the bloodstream.
Key Takeaways:
- Rice converts to glucose and is stored in the liver and muscles with the excess stored as fat which contributes to health issues.
- By cooking rice with coconut oil, you can reduce the resistant starch content by 10 times when the rice is cooked an cooled for twelve hours.
- During cooking, the coconut oil helps prevent the sugar resistant to digestive enzymes so it won’t be digested.
“Resistant starches (RS) pass through the small intestines undigested and become food for the good microbes in the large intestines, all the while reducing the risk of excess glucose lingering in the blood and supporting healthy colon cells.”