Several options are available to get rid of period cramps. One of them is acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine. Half of the women trialed saw improvements. Epsom Salt Baths help improve circulation and extra olive oil and fish oil are on par with pain medicines. Sleeping allows the body to rest and the hormones to do their jobs. Yoga Nidra allows for exercise which lessens the pain. Similarly , kinesiology tape will work. Also, don’t forget the ever so friendly orgasm.
Key Takeaways:
- Period cramps tend to cause a lot of pain for women. Some may even have abnormal periods that include things like infrequent cycles.
- Women can take medication and perform yoga routines each day. That combination for 5 days a week could help them over time.
- These severe periods will tend to have an impact on their lives. Treatment could potentially decrease the risk for anxiety and depression among these women.
“One study of 150 women with abnormal periods — including things like severe pain, infrequent cycles and more — found that women who took meds and practiced yoga nidra, for 35 to 40 minutes, five days a week, had less painful cramps and period irregularities, along with a decrease in anxiety and depression, than the women who just stuck to the meds.”
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