Exercise at any age is difficult. It takes a large amount of self-discipline and motivation to get yourself going each and every single day.
We know that it is the best thing for us, regardless of age, yet…we can have such a hard time with it.
Yes, we may get up and out there once or four times in a week.
However, when it seems like things are really about to get going for us, suddenly we slack off and it is almost as if we have to start all over again.
Why is this? Well, today we bring you a great discussion on the issue of exercise and why so many people have a difficult time with it. Psychologist Emily Balcetis spends time discussing the issue of perspective when it comes to exercise.
Is it really all about perspective? Well, knowing how powerful our minds are, the answer is…yes. Take a look.
Watch: Emily Balcetis: Why some people find exercise harder than others