Having any chronic form of inflammation in your body can cause you a lot of discomfort. In fact, it causes Alzheimer’s, heart diseases, fibromyalgia, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and diabetes among other diseases. To reduce this, it is recommended that you take omega-3 fatty acids. This essential fatty acids are not produced by your body and you will need to get them from fish supplements or by eating tuna, halibut, Lake trout, nut oils, and salmon among others.
For good body development and brain function, you need a good intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (or omega-3). The first type of this fatty acids is ALA (the alpha-linolenic acid) and the second type is EPA (the eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (the docosahexaenoic). These acids work hand in hand so as to reduce any form of inflammation in your body. This is done in two ways as discussed below.
First, this polyunsaturated fatty acids will inhibit the formation of eicosanoids. These are pro-inflammatory compounds that are usually made from your body’s omega-6 fatty acids.
The second way is that these essential fatty acids make numerous anti-inflammatory compounds such as resolvins. These compounds when compared to the original fatty acids, they are ten thousand times much more powerful. They are used by the body to significantly reduce or stop inflammation.
In a nutshell, taking omega-3 will not only reduce the actual cause of inflammation but also reduce, to a great extent, any inflammation existing in your body. For a healthy immune system, you have to ensure that there is a good balance between omega-6 and omega-3 in your body. You don’t have to wait until the inflammation is far much spread; it’s advisable to have a regular intake of this essential fatty acids throughout your life. The amounts you take vary depending on whether you are pregnant or not and so it’s advisable to get the doctor’s prescription or advice before make a payment.
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