An astonishing new study from Sweden found that a combination of CoQ10 and selenium supplements can cut risk of death from heart disease by nearly 50%. Key benefits included improved heart function and less hospital stays from surgeries. Four and ten year check-ups yielded even more good news. After four years, people taking the combination had a better quality of life and 246 less hospital visits while after ten years the group taking the supplements had an almost 50% lower risk of heart related ailments.
Key Takeaways:
- Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world, killing more than 17 million per year, which is more lives than cancer claims.
- A study lasting five years was conducted on 443 healthy adults between the ages of 70 and 80.
- After the five-year study was concluded, 12.6% of the placebo group had died of cardiovascular disease.
“In combination, these nutrients may be the answer to reducing the number one cause of death – cardiovascular diseases.”