Electromagnetic fields have very harmful effects. Electromagnetic fields are a hidden health risk that poses a threat to many different people. EMF’s damage your health because when your VGCC’s are exposed to them, they open up. That allows a lot of calcium ions into the cell, at a rate of about 1 million ions per second per channel. Every VGCC has a voltage sensor, which is a structure that detects electrical changes across the plasma membrane and then opens the channel up.
Key Takeaways:
- Electromagnetic fields like ones made from microwave ovens can affect you in negative ways.
- Too much exposure to EMF can negatively effect people in a molecular level.
- Many telecommunications industries will try to disprove EMF studies and it’s dangers.
“What this research tells us is that excessive microwave exposure can be a direct contributor to conditions such as Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, autism, cardiac arrhythmias and infertility.”
Read more: https://www.healthnutnews.com/the-harmful-effects-of-electromagnetic-fields-explained/
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