There are many different weight loss tips that you may hear about or read. There are so many of them that trying to find out which ones really work can be hard. In today’s article, from Authority Nutrition, they will help you determine which ones don’t work. In the article they have a list of eight tips to ignore. One tip to ignore, always eat breakfast even if you are not hungry. They suggest to not eat breakfast if you are not hungry and if you are hungry, then eat a lot of protein for breakfast. Another tip to ignore is to eat every two to three hours. Eating more frequently does not boost metabolism more compared to eating fewer meals. They also recommend to ignore focusing on calories and instead focus on the quality of the food more so than the calories. These are only a few of the tips that they recommend you to ignore. The article goes into further detail as well to explain each tips fault. For a list of all the tips to ignore as well as a detailed explanation for why you should ignore these tips, click on the link below.
Read the full article here: