A website maintained by a news network has a piece about the dangers of trans fat. The writer warns that trans fat can cause strokes or heart attacks. This is because trans fat can build up in the arteries. The writer noted the FDA has recognized this danger and is working to eliminate use of this product. Trans fat can be found in fast food burgers, fried foods, shortening, and store bought cakes and cookies. The writer’s link is embedded.
Key Takeaways:
- Your body needs fats to function properly; however, trans fats are not a healthy form of fat and they do not prove beneficial to the body.
- The Food and Drug Administration recently declared trans fats unsafe for consumption due to the potential for significant health risks.
- Many foods have hidden trans fats and it is safest to consume homemade foods so you are aware of what specifically you are consuming.
“In fact, your body actually needs healthy fats to function properly. Healthy fats protect your organs, keep your body warm, support cell growth, and help your body absorb nutrients. However, if you’re consuming even a small amount of trans fats in your food, you run a high risk of harming your health.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2017/04/24/why-should-avoid-trans-fats-at-all-costs.html