Ask almost anyone what the main focus of any diet is, and they will most likely tell you that you must cut out as much fat as possible. While it is true that fats should be reduced slightly, they are essential to the functioning of our bodies. Cutting out too much fat can leave you feeling weaker. It’s important to get enough healthy fats so our body’s energy and metabolism don’t suffer. Saturated fats should also be allowed in moderation. It may be time to rethink what we have been taught about healthy meals and start over.
Key Takeaways:
- Back then, butter and egg yolks topped the “do not eat” list, while refined carbs and packaged foods weren’t given a second thought. But times have definitely changed.
- These days, experts tout fat as a must-have macro and full-fat products, like whole milk, avocado, ghee and coconut oil, join the ranks of super foods.
- The problem with most diets is that they lack the key ingredient that makes food taste good and cuts your hunger.
“Back then, butter and egg yolks topped the “do not eat” list, while refined carbs and packaged foods weren’t given a second thought. But times have definitely changed.”