Eating a nutritious diet is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but can be expensive and time consuming, especially when there are low cost, unhealthy options available. However, there are a few simple ways to avoid the pitfalls of unhealthy eating, and which make it easier to adopt a better way. With proper planning and a little bit of knowledge, a healthy lifestyle can be achievable and rewarding.
Key Takeaways:
- Health professionals and nutritionists alike advise that eating a nutritious diet is the best way to live a longer life that has a lower risk of the most common diseases.
- While everyone knows they should make better food choices, the busy life most people live often means they purchase convenience foods that take little time to prepare.
- choosing what will be served for dinner each day of the coming week makes it easy to make sure the necessary ingredients are in the pantry or need to be added to the shopping list.
“Always shop with a list – this eliminates impulse buying and allows the shopper to focus on purchasing only the necessary items.”