As a sufferer of Myeloma, a cancer of the blood, Dieneke Ferguson experienced first -hand the normal, yet traumatizing, effects of bone damage and debilitating exhaustion, specific to those undergoing the effects of what happens when the white blood cell count in human bone marrow multiply exponentially and uncontrollably.In Ferguson’s five year bout with the disease, she experienced both memory loss and spinal collapse. Chemotherapy and stem cell options were pursued. Dangerous drugs were tried. Yet, nothing appeared to put a halt to the ravages of the disease. until Curcumin, a substance intrinsic to the herb known as Turmeric, was considered and tried. Alive and with a cancer cell count deemed negligible, Ferguson is proof-positive that remedies are sometimes as close as the kitchen cabinet.
Key Takeaways:
- Dieneke is still taking 8g of curcumin in tablet form daily — the equivalent of about two teaspoonfuls of pure powdered curcumin
- She first came across the remedy via an internet support group and decided to try it because, as she says: ‘I had nothing to lose’.
- For although it is widely used in Eastern medicine, and has been studied for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, for curcumin to be widely prescribed it must be tested in large-scale trials.
“After exhausting her options, Dianeke started taking Curcumin, which is a key component of the spice turmeric. Her recovery was so extraordinary that it recently made the pages of the eminent British Medical Journal”
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