Someone started taking anti depressants for their depressant and it wasn’t long before their potency wasn’t there anymore. They decided to try pro biotics because of the advice of someone else they had worked for. There are microbes inside of our gut that can influence the way we think and feel and there is something to having healthy bacteria in our gut to make sure that functions well. We all know, that when we’re nervous, it’s not just in our head, it’s in our gut too.
Key Takeaways:
- When anti depressants lose their potency, there is something else in your body that can change things around.
- Your gut microbes have been proven to influence the way that you feel and how you think.
- A study done on rats who were put in a stressful situation showed that the stressed out rats had fewer microbes.
“That felt impossible when his brain kept blaring his past failures at top volume”
Products: Depression, Friendly Bacteria, Gut Health
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