Lifestyle has changed and the same goes with what you eat. Fast food joints have become so popular that you no longer have to cook to have a tasty meal. You cannot remember the last day you made a visit to the grocer to buy fruits or vegetables. Fries and chicken have become your most preferred meal. If this is you, then you are doing more harm to your health. The importance of vegetables and fruits in your diet can never be emphasized enough. You need them to keep your immune systems at its best, as antioxidants as well as to control your body weight. If you never have adequate fruits and vegetables in your diets, here are the benefits you are missing.
Gives you more body energy
Fruits are the fastest and safest sources of body energy. They are easily digested to release energy that you need to keep your body active. The good news is that they are completely broken into nutrients and stored for the time you require more energy supply.
Disease prevention
Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which are useful in bolstering your immune system. You need vegetables and fruits in your diet to keep the body protected from diseases. They give your body the defence against common ailments which can be prevented by eating balanced diets. Some of the common diseases prevented are cancer, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.
Weight management
Plenty of fruits and vegetables make it easier to watch on your weight. They are substitutes to most of the empty carbohydrates that have become popular. The fact that they contain few calories makes them a top choice for those who want to lose weight. Taking lots of fruits and vegetables keep you fuller longer than when you take sweet and salty foods from fast food places. They keep away your craving for quick food fixes which pile up your calories and weight gain. With a piece of fruit every morning accompanied with a spoonful of vegetables, you will be able to stay put until lunch time when you take a deserving meal.
They help remove body toxins
With the increase in intake of inorganic foods, your body is exposed to higher levels of toxins. Unhealthy choice of foods pile up these toxins and it is only a matter of time they reach climax and your body cannot take anymore. Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet is one of the most effective ways to fight this toxin buildup. The vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits breakdown free radicals in the body. Once broken to harmless particles, these radicals are excreted as waste leaving the body free of poisonous elements.
Boost metabolism
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables keeps at bay the craving for unhealthy foods. You will eat considerable portions of food to keep your metabolism effective. This means that you will only eat when you are hungry and the body will have adequate time for complete digestion.
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