Most people are familiar with honey. It flavors our tea and desserts. Do it yourself beauty mavens add it to face masks and unguents, with the goal of softening and soothing damaged skin. But, honey has less fun and superficial uses in its repertoire as well. Honey is a veritable cupboard of micronutrients and macronutrients. It has a range of benefits to offer those seeking health benefits. Obviously, its natural moisturizing ability caters to beauty seekers and those with dry skin and chapped lips. However, that valuable moisturizing capacity comes aligned with some serious antimicrobial capability and some intrinsic antifungal properties as well. Put it all together and honey makes a seriously useful adjunct when treating wounds and burns. Data from the highly acclaimed Mayo Clinic attests to this claim. Moreover, due to its naturally calming effect, honey is useful for those with restless minds that can not fall asleep easily. It also soothes an irritated gut.
Key Takeaways:
- Honey is often an additive in health syrups, because it can aid in cough elimination and the alleviation of sore throats.
- Honey has natural antimicrobial properties and antifungal constituents that can aid the body in wound-healing.
- Data from the Mayo Clinic particularly details honey’s efficacy in promoting the healing of burns.
“Honey can help you boost skin health too. It acts as a natural moisturiser and also helps reduce acne. You can prepare homemade masks and scrubs with the help of honey.”
Products: Manuka Honey, Honey, Royal Jelly.
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