Aloe vera may be consumed as food or as a dietary supplement. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Natural remedies have been found to be very beneficial to human health in many ways. One plant that has been useful in providing health benefits is aloe vera as shown below.
The vitamins present in the plant include A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 which are essential in the body’s fight against stresses caused by free radicals. It also has a high content of minerals that include manganese, calcium, zinc, magnesium, chromium, copper, iron, selenium, and potassium.
It is useful in women’s reproductive health especially after childbirth because it aids in the rejuvenation of the uterus.
Aloe vera provides numerous skin care benefits by helping relieve the pain of sunburn and the effects of cancer treatment, making skin smoother, insect bites, blisters, psoriasis, inflammation, acne and burns. It also moisturizes skin tissue and restores its appearance to original natural beauty.
The plant has been found to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms against diseases and the damaging effects of environmental pollutants and everyday stress. It is effective in boosting the immune system by stimulating the white blood cells and detoxifying the body through the colon. Clinical studies are underway to find a cure for HIV and cancer from aloe vera extracts.
Studies on mice have conclusively found that it can extend their lifespan by at least ten percent. It is hoped that the same effects can
be experienced in human bodies if a person is an active consumer of the plant extracts.
Gum diseases can be alleviated by if aloe vera powder is sprinkled on the toothbrush or swishing the liquid before swallowing.
Stroke, high blood pressure and heart attack, can be prevented by aloe vera intake because it stops blood from coagulating or forming clumps. It also lowers blood glucose levels, which is helpful in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
It is used in hair products because its vitamin and mineral composition aids in repairing damaged hair, prevents and reduces baldness, strengthens and makes hair shiny. Aloe vera also prevents the formation of dandruff, dry or itchy scalp.
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